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Far-infrared c-axis conductivity of flux-grown YPrBaCuO single crystals studied by spectral ellipsometry

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, ISSN: 0163-1829, Vol: 62, Issue: 13, Page: 9138-9142
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The far-infrared c-axis conductivity of flux-grown YPrBaCuO single crystals with 0.2≤x≤0.5 has been studied by spectral ellipsometry. We find that the c-axis response exhibits spectral features similar to deoxygenated underdoped YBaCuO, i.e., a pseudogap develops in the normal state, the phonon mode at 320 cm exhibits an anomalous T dependence, and an additional absorption peak forms at low temperature. This suggests that the T suppression in flux grown Pr-substituted crystals is caused by a decrease of the hole content and/or by carrier localization rather than by pair breaking.

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