Perioperative considerations in cancer patients submitted to isolated limb perfusion
Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia, ISSN: 1665-9201, Vol: 16, Issue: 5, Page: 289-294
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Example: if you select the 1-year option for an article published in 2019 and a metric category shows 90%, that means that the article or review is performing better than 90% of the other articles/reviews published in that journal in 2019. If you select the 3-year option for the same article published in 2019 and the metric category shows 90%, that means that the article or review is performing better than 90% of the other articles/reviews published in that journal in 2019, 2018 and 2017.
Citation Benchmarking is provided by Scopus and SciVal and is different from the metrics context provided by PlumX Metrics.
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Review Description
Isolated Limb perfusion (ILP) and hyperthermic ILP (HILP) are therapeutic options f , patients with uriresectabLe malignancies in the extremities (e.g. primarily meLanoma and so t-. tissue tumors), they induce a high rate of tumor response; associates with high Limb saLva$er. rates and represents an effective alternative to amputation. These are chaLlenging procedur4s with a high technical difficuLty that require the efforts of a muLtidiscipLinary team (surgeon, anesthesiologist, nurse, perfusionist and intensivist). Hemodynamic changes, drug Leakage through collateral vessels, LocaL and systemic toxicity, and potential complications require p continuous and invasive monitoring during the procedure and rigorous post-surgical monit-I ring. The purpose of this review article was to update the strategies for the perioperative cane! of cancer patients undergoing this procedure.
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